Alla inlägg den 11 augusti 2010

Av Susan Öhrstedt - 11 augusti 2010 20:09

Nedanstående text kommer från United Nations World Food program. En utav de samarbetspartner som gör det möjligt för bl a Somalier att få en chans till att kunna få i sig mat. HMS Carlskrona utgör en del i Eunavfors projekt med att se till så att denna mat kommer fram till de rätta händerna. Tänk att min Patrik är en liten microdel i detta stora pussel (stolt över min man) och utan alla dessa microdelar skulle inte pusslet fungera med att få maten dit den ska. HMS Carlskrona är en utav många skepp som ser till att maten inte hamnar i några giriga piraters grepp. För er som är mer intresserade så kan ni hitta mer information i den bifogade länken eller gå in på eunavfors hemsida.


Somalia is one of the most dangerous places in the world for humanitarian workers, and an environment within which WFP has to constantly adjust and revise its operations. In early 2010, WFP was forced to suspend the delivery of food assistance in southern Somalia due to growing insecurity and threats and unacceptable demands from armed groups in the region.
WFP hopes that this suspension will be as brief as possible, but requires a change in position from the senior leadership of Al Shabab, who control most of southern Somalia, before any return to work is possible.
Although food and livestock production in the southern part of Somalia have improved leading to a reduction in the number of people in need of food assistance, WFP is extremely concerned for the welfare of people in this region we know to be in need of assistance.
Ongoing drought and civil unrest in central Somalia has left 70 percent of the population in the region in need of humanitarian assistance. Six consecutive seasons of below-average rainfall have decimated livestock herds and forced many pastoralists to gather in towns and villages in search of assistance.
Deepening drought in northern Somalia is also now of particular concern, with nearly 300,000 people in need of assistance.
One in six Somali children is acutely malnourished – a total of some 240,000 children – the highest acute malnutrition rates anywhere in the world. In south and central Somalia these rates are even higher, reaching one in every five children.
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